Art World Excursions is a team of art historians and educators who are passionate about art and sharing that passion with others. You will never look at art the same way again.

April Game.
  • Ms. Game is the founder of Art World Excursions. She spent many years working in art galleries in Laguna Beach and Los Angeles, California, before founding and directing Art Pulse, a regional nonprofit arts organization in San Diego County, California. San Diego is one of the few counties in the United States with no countywide arts council. To address the lack of infrastructure, Game created Pulse, an art gallery focused on showcasing regional artists; The Mentor Program, a professional development program for artists; Art Pulse TV, a weekly television show on NBC that won an Emmy in 2013; Snorkl, a robust free search engine for the arts in San Diego County, and much more.

    Art Pulse was honored to be invited to partner with Americans for the Arts to perform a role normally reserved for county arts commission or arts council, namely, to represent San Diego county in a nationwide effort to determine the economic impact of arts audiences on jobs, taxes, and other metrics. After nearly two years of collecting hundreds of audience-intercept surveys across seventeen cities, the finished report, the Arts and Economic Prosperity IV, was published in 2012. Through Art Pulse and individually she has advocated for funding for arts in schools. She served on the board of directors for the San Diego County Art Education Association and the Women’s Museum of California. Ever the believer in combining travel with education, Game attended the University of Rotterdam-based CREARE Foundation’s International Summer School for Cultural Economics in Amsterdam in 2011, 2012, and 2013, combining it with an annual trip to Paris. It was on one such trip that she met Dr. Berry, who would become a dear friend and colleague.

    In 2014, Game moved to Ireland to pursue her Masters Degree in Art History at Trinity College, Dublin. In 2016 she moved to Scotland for her PhD in Art History at the University of St. Andrews. Game decided to return to the United States in 2021 with her daughter Ailsa, who was born in Dundee, Scotland. She long ago committed to herself that geography would not be a factor in her enjoyment of life, and she has lived by that ever since. Now she an share her passion for education-based immersive travel with you.

Jan Willem Noldus
  • Dr. Noldus has spent a lifetime studying and teaching Art History. After receiving his PhD in Art History at the University of Amsterdam, he worked as an assistant at the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences, Department of Dutch Folk Culture. From 1981 to 1987 Dr. Noldus was the Assistant Curator of Dutch Drawings from the 16th-18th Century at the Rijksmuseum, which has one of the finest collections of Dutch art in the world. Also in 1987, Dr. Noldus joined the Royal Dutch Historical Institute in Rome and acted as Assistant, Cultural Services at the European Union in Brussels. For the last thirty years, Dr. Noldus has taught Art History at Paris’s great academic institutions, including the prestigious École du Louvre, the Sorbonne University, and the Paris Conservatory, specializing in Dutch Art from the 15th to early 20th Centuries. Dr. Noldus joined the Dutch Cultural Center in Paris in 2014 and offers lectures on Dutch Art, History and Culture. Dr. Noldus is also the author of art history texts L'histoire de l'Art: racontée aux enfants (2012) and Manuel d'Histoire des Arts (2011).

Rey Bustos.
  • Rey Bustos is one of the preeminent artistic-anatomy instructor in the United States He graduated with honors from the prestigious ArtCenter College of Design in 1989, where he subsequently taught anatomy for artists for twenty years. “Imaginatomy”, a course he developed, was required at ArtCenter for most of that time. He is the author of the book Rey’s Anatomy, and currently teaches at Los Angeles Academy of Figurative Art, Kline Academy of Art, Computer Graphics Masters Academy (CGMA), New Masters Academy, and Gnomon School of Visual Effects.

    “Rey Bustos is a teacher extraordinaire... He has electrified every aspect of the study of artistic anatomy with vitality. He brings anatomy to life.” —Eliot Goldfinger, renowned artist and sculptor and author of Human Anatomy for Artists

    “I’ve been teaching college-level anatomy for two decades, and yet I still always learn something from Rey every time I watch him teach. His anatomical knowledge is encyclopedic, and his ability to translate that into art is masterful.” —Anthony R. Friscia, Ph.D., Adjunct Associate Professor, UCLA, Integrative Biology & Physiology

    “No one holds a candle to Rey's knowledge on the subject.” —Nathan Greno, Co-director, Tangled

    "In viewing the exquisite drawings of Rey Bustos, it is...fitting to say that he follows directly in the 'footsteps"...of [Peter Paul] Rubens. Bustos is taking Rubens into the 21st century."

    -Stephanie Schrader, Curator of Drawings, J. Paul Getty Museum

Dr Clotilde Roth-Meyer Berry
  • Dr. Clotilde Roth-Meyer Berry, holding Bachelor’s and Masters Degrees in Art History from the Ecole du Louvre, earned her Masters and PhD with highest honors from the University of Paris IV-Sorbonne, specializing in 19th-century Parisian Artists' Suppliers. Joining the German Center for Art History in Paris in 2006, she later became an independent art historian, contributing to exhibitions like Monet: L’Oeil Impressionniste (Paris, 2008), and organizing a symposium on the newspaper L’Artiste (1831-1870).

    As a lecturer, Dr. Berry taught at Institut Catholique de Paris and the Centre d'Etudes d'Histoire de l'Art in Chatou. In 2013, she collaborated with forensic scientist Dr. Max Houk for art and forensics lectures at the Dali Museum in Florida. Awarded a Guest Scholar fellowship from the J. Paul Getty Museum in 2015, she researched and published on French painter Jehan-Georges Vibert.

    Dr. Berry's expertise covers 19th-century artists’ suppliers, renting paintings, marks on French paintings, Monet’s colormen, color names history, and Jacques-Nicolas Paillot de Montabert (1771–1849). Passionate about art history, she spent nearly two decades in Paris, eager to share her profound knowledge and ensure a fulfilling experience for those who, like her, consider beauty an overwhelming necessity.